- a hitch in my gitalong -

As I begin the third year of this journal I realize that I get cranky when updates are sparse.  While it's a sign of having an actual life, the postponement of entries always gets me down somehow and acts as a metaphor -- threads of some fabric being woven farther and farther apart until they'll hold nothing but the bulkiest of contents.

My schedule is a full one -- the school year is winding down and bringing its increase in pomp and circumstance and tests and assemblies, I'm sticking to my morning mountain walk routine, my wedding anniversary approacheth, and I'm trying to actually read something all the way to the end.  Okay, it's a magazine article, but still.  Okay, it's Highlights Magazine, but hey, it's Fun with a Purpose.

To patch things up I'm offering this graphic gesture, and I'm nothing if not a fan of graphic gestures.


Here is a photograph I took a week or so ago at a local rodeo.  Feel free to use the 1000 words cliché and consider this one of my more voluminous entries.

Meanwhile, I'm still in the darkroom wrasslin' with a muddle of film, paper, and chemicals.  With luck, Part Two of the New York Photographs will emerge.


  today's music:

"When The Cactus Is In Bloom" -- Arlo Guthrie -- ARLO GUTHRIE


today's wisdom: